
We want to help you develop all the potential that God has placed in you! We are an urban base, connected to the city and contextualized to today’s reality. We love connecting the classroom to real life outside our walls.


The DTS is a five-month program (in-person and full-time) that combines theoretical learning, small group activities, personal reflection, practical service and community life. It is a great time to grow in intimacy with God, know Him more deeply, discover His purposes in the Kingdom, put your faith into practice, and spread the Gospel through your gifts and abilities.





Be a Christian


The DTS is an opportunity to grow in intimacy with God, know Him more deeply, discover your purposes in the Kingdom, put your faith into practice, and share the Gospel through your gifts and abilities.

This school has two stages: the theoretical phase (3 months) and the practical phase (the campaign, 2 months).

In the lecture phase your focus will be on knowing God, his Word and his world. You will seek transformation, a renewed mind and personal growth. You will learn not only from experienced and mature teachers, but also from community life and practical training.

During the outreach your team will serve God in the world. You will have the opportunity to discover your abilities while caring for people and sharing the good news of Jesus.

SCART – school of culture and art

SCART is a space where students can deepen their artistic vocation, build a solid biblical foundation and develop their skills, being prepared to better serve society through the arts and culture.


September 22, 2024 to February 15, 2025


€5,300 (includes lecture phase and outreach)


DTS (Discipleship and Training School)


You must know Spanish, English or Portuguese

SCART is an invitation to love God and his Kingdom, an environment of transformation, depth and relationships that trains the student/artist to serve the local church and society with a firm foundation in the Bible.

Through these three pillars, the School of Culture and Art seeks to provide theoretical and practical foundations for an artistic practice contextualized to current reality, based on the Word and filled with the life of the Spirit.

  • MENTORING: we want to offer an opportunity for training and support for the student, both in technique and character.
  • GROWTH: Help the student reach the next level in their personal, ministerial and technical vision.
  • VISION: contribute to the training of artist-ministers, leading them to engage with the Great Commission in a profound way.


A new song, a video from an experienced dancer, coffee and conversation, going to the theater, an inspiring class. There are different ways to learn during Scart!

We want to be a creative community that inspires each student to reflect, pray and create with God, pointing towards Him through different artistic languages.

The school is designed for you to experience yourself artistically in a safe environment. Every week we will have fixed workshops in which all students participate: theater, body expression and visual arts. Apart from the fixed workshops, we can also have other specific workshops (creative writing, crafts, clowning, etc.). In addition, each week each one presents an artistic creation that expresses what was experienced in the previous week.

During the 3 months of lecture phase, in addition to everything the school offers, you will enjoy the beautiful city of Cáceres, a World Heritage Site. Its cultural and artistic life is very rich. The 2-month campaign is part of the School. On this artistic-cultural missionary trip, we will bring our art, serve society and support churches and/or mission bases.


The objective of the campaign is to share our art with society, bringing truth, beauty, justice and love. There are at least two ways to put it into practice, depending on the profile and skills of the group:

1) put on an artistic show in which everyone participates, on or off the stage

2) create small pieces or numbers.

We will present these productions in cultural centers, performance halls, on the streets, churches, wherever God opens the doors to us.

We also seek to learn from local culture and art, making contact with them in a critical way. We will visit museums, exhibitions, presentations, etc., and we will think and discuss what we saw, heard, felt and received.

Another aspect of the outreach is supporting local churches and/or mission bases, serving with classes, trainings and workshops.

What are you going to experience in SCART?

  • Theoretical classes
  • Discussion groups
  • Reading books and academic works
  • Cultural and artistic visits
  • Community life
  • Weekly practical classes (theater, body expression and visual arts)
  • Workshops on different topics
  • Organization of artistic-cultural events

Some of the theoretical classes


  • Biblical worldview and cultural exegesis
  • Cultural mandate
  • Spanish culture
  • Art, culture and discipleship of nations
  • Lordship of Christ and contemporary culture
  • The soul of the artist
  • Art in the History of God
  • History of Art


Fill out the personal form

Ask your pastor/leader to fill out the referral form

After you have received both forms, our team will pray for you as you come to school. Having God’s confirmation, we inform you so you can start planning your trip.

Doubts? We have the answers.

Do I need to be a specialist in any artistic language to do school?

No, you do not have to be a professional or specialist in theater, sculpture, painting, music or any other art. The school’s proposal is exactly to lead you to experience other expressions, at the same time that you discover where your main abilities are. It is important to highlight that all students will participate in the three weekly workshops: body expression, theater and visual arts.

I am not a European citizen. Do I need a visa?

For those who do not have citizenship or residence in a European country, it will be necessary to apply for a student or tourist visa. When the time comes, we will give you all the necessary information.

How can I pay for school?

The school fee must be paid 100% upon your arrival at the base. However, it can be divided into two installments: 50% upon reaching the base and 50% at the end of the first month, that is, until October 22.

Where will I live during school?

We are preparing with great love and attention a good apartment or house where the students can live (separated into boys’ and girls’ rooms). It will be a welcoming and safe environment to live in community, support each other and apply the principles and values learned in classes.

Where will the outreach be?

The 2-month mission trip, the outreach, has not yet taken place. Our wish is for it to be in Spain, but the nationality/permits of the students may influence this. In any case, we will seek God’s direction and decide in the best way, taking into consideration the visa and permit aspects.

I have other doubts. Who can I talk to?

Write to us at escart@jcum.com. We will reply to you as soon as possible.